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ESPA: PROGRAM “Transition to Innovative, Extroverted and Smart Specialization” CENTRAL MACEDONIA 2021-2027

The action concerns the Region of Central Macedonia, and the public aid amounts to €65,000,000.00, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and National Participation.

Within the framework of this Action, beneficiaries eligible

for public funding are existing micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Each investment plan, to be eligible, must be demonstrably connected with

a Regional Outcome of the priority sectors of the National Smart

Specialization Strategy (S3), and the expenses included in it must serve the intervention

areas of each outcome.

Regional Outcomes

  1. Agri-food Chain: Processing of plant & animal production products, Wine, Macedonian/local cuisine
  2. Biosciences, Health, Pharmaceuticals: Wellness, accessibility, rehabilitation & integration with an emphasis on the elderly and vulnerable social groups, Pharmaceuticals & cosmetics emphasizing the use of local products
  3. Digital Technologies: Digital transformation of the industry
  4. Sustainable Energy: Alternative fuels & biofuels, geothermal energy
  5. Environment & Circular Economy: Textile and clothing, Food, Materials, Green Tourism
  6. Transportation & Supply Chain: Textile and Clothing, Food, Materials, Sustainable mobility
  7. Materials, Construction & Industry: Textile and Clothing, Building materials
  8. Tourism, Culture & Creative Industries: Film market, Arts & audio-visual media, Health tourism for the elderly and vulnerable groups, Culture for vulnerable groups and the elderly.

Potential Beneficiaries - Eligibility Criteria

  • Submit a single funding application per Tax Identification Number (TIN).
  • Operate within the Greek territory and undertake investment exclusively within the Region of Central Macedonia.
  • Have completed at least two (2) full managerial exercises before the electronic submission date of the funding application.
  • The proposed investment plan must be demonstrably connected to a Regional Outcome
  • of the Region of Central Macedonia, and the expenses included should serve the intervention areas of that outcome.
  • The proposed investment plan must relate to at least one of the eligible NACE codes, in which the beneficiaries must be substantially active during the last completed managerial exercise (Primary NACE or NACE with higher revenues).
  • The amount of the subsidized budget of the investment plan must not exceed twice the highest turnover achieved in one of the two full closed managerial exercises before the submission date of the funding application (2021-2022) and must be greater than €60,000.
  • Have the status of Micro, Small, or Medium-sized Enterprise.
  • Operate legally. In case the license has not been issued or has expired, the submission of the relevant application for issuance/renewal is required.
  • Operate solely as an individual enterprise, GP, LLP, LLC, SA, Cooperative, NPO, Social Cooperative Enterprise, or Cooperative of Social Solidarity.
  • Keep single or double-entry books.
  • Be registered in the Register of Real Beneficiaries according to article 20 of Law 4557/2018 (A ́ 139), as amended.
  • Meet the conditions for the application of EU Regulation 1407/2013 (De Minimis).
  • Commit to ensuring, until the completion of the investment and depending on the type and nature of the proposed Action, appropriate interventions to ensure the access of persons with disabilities (PWDs) to building infrastructure, services, and electronic environments, in accordance with the current institutional framework.

The percentage of Public Funding amounts to 45% of the subsidized



When submitting the funding application,

evidence of securing the Private Participation of the proposed investment plan in the amount of 55% is required.


The coverage of Private Participation is documented alternatively or in combination through the

following ways:

  • Equity of the company – Balance in the corporate/professional bank account.
  • External funding / Bank loan

EPIDOSI, with more than 30 years of experience, can support you in the implementation of your professional plan.

You can send us a message on the Contact FormFormor you can call at our offices in Athens 2106810690 or in Thessaloniki 2310477725 to analyse all the above.

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10 Q&A about Bulgarian Companies

1. What are the comparative advantages of a Bulgarian company compared to a Greek company? A Bulgarian company ensures that 90% of net profits are